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Use your winter attitude in the summer.

So I am writing this in the middle of the night with jet lag from a trip to Japan.

Having collected a new chocolate lab puppy (Wilma) yesterday I have decided to embrace the new body clock rather than fight it. I might finally get definitive proof of the big fellas existence this Christmas.

Japan was great with Tokyo being a sped up version of the 80's arcade game 'frogger'. 3 million people per day going through Shinjuku station leaves no option but to go with the flow. 8 days on a cruise as well has tested my weight reduction plan but at least that's not visible under a few layers in this weather so time to get to work.

Watching the winter golf scores from a distance just goes to show that we don't need the pristine conditions of the course in the summer to score well. Some will say there's no rough but what there is is damp. They will claim its a short course but there's no run. In reality what we do is approach shots a different way. Without the handicap qualification hanging over the round we feel we can free wheel. Some bunkers come out of play so we hit to greens with less fear. How many times to you hear people say on the greens all I am concentrating on is putting a good stroke on it. I can't control the bobbles. It's this approach that we need to bring more into the game in the summer. Take the outcome and expectation out of it and place all your attention on execution.

The results will surprise you. !

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