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A quieter month......

A quieter month than July. Preferred July.
Caddied for a few interesting groups. Fighting to contain some Happy Gilmore moments with the Beastie Boys blasting out over the hallowed turf of Royal Lytham. Followed by a couple of rounds caddying for American lookalikes of Rickie Fowler (bedecked in Oklahoma state orange as it was Sunday) and Justin Thomas. Rickie (Scott) put on his caddy's waterproof and immediately turned into Rickie's dad. He removed it swiftly after my rapid ageing comment, preferring a dousing to a ruined image. On the coaching front I have done my first group session with 3 more planned for September which was fun. Some interesting one to one sessions as well with one player developing from a Friday to a Monday an interesting front foot dance move which initiates the takeaway. Be careful with those away trips watching BFC as I'm not sure the Southend stomp will catch on.! Other sessions have focussed on getting players to take more responsibility for their own development. After the group sessions we talked about 'what's next'? More of the same or does their game need a different practice regime with some targeted goals and objectives ? Next months group sessions are going to focus on the pre shot routine and the psychological reasons why certain elements of it are vital to give you the edge.
On myself, a convenient toe injury has meant the sight of me shuffling down the pavements is still to happen. But exercise and diet are still trending in the right direction. My golf has been good with the swing changes starting to bed in and feel more natural. I am starting to really understand the "see it, feel it, trust it" philosophy. I always understood why visualisation is good as the athletic side of the brain works with the senses rather than words but when you build the feel element into the rehearsal swing as well it really starts to show in the execution.
Next month, busy with group coaching, plus a group trip to The Warwickshire where the potential financial rewards will show if I can practice what I preach when the pressure is on.
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